Our Alameda DUI Attorneys have over 25 years experience and understand how frustrating being arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) can be. Being arrested for a Alameda DUI can be quite devastating and can result in suspension of your driver's license, having to pay hefty fines, having to attend alcohol-education classes, and even possibly having to spend time in jail. An Alameda DUI is a serious offense and one that should not be taken lightly.
The Alameda DUI Defense Law Firm have represented all kinds of clients and have handled all types of California DUI cases — from first offense DUI's to felony manslaughter DUI's. Our staff is specially trained and educated in the unique aspects of Alameda DUI defense and our attorneys have a vast amount of legal skills and resources. With an unparalleled reputation for providing aggressive and successful DUI defense, we can help provide you with the best possible outcome!
We offer free Alameda DUI case reviews, contact us today and find out how we can help you!

About California DUI
When you are arrested for drunk driving in Alameda County, California, two separate cases arise – the DUI court case and your Alameda Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) case. The court case is separate and apart from the DMV case. It is where, if you are found guilty, you face an array of penalties including, hefty fines and potential jail time. California's Vehicle Code §23536 states that convicted first-time DUI offenders face:
“imprisonment in the county jail for not less than 96 hours, at least 48 hours of which shall be continuous, nor more than six months and by a fine of not less than three hundred ninety dollars ($390), nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000).”
Additionally, first-time Alameda DUI offenders could face a six-month driver's license suspension and may be placed on probation anywhere from one to five years. The DMV hearing may be held either before or after your court case and is held at the DMV's Driver Safety's office in the region in which you were arrested. This case is far more time-sensitive as you have only 10 days from the date of your arrest to request a hearing with the DMV. The Alameda DMV does have the right to suspend or revoke your driving privileges if you are found guilty. In addition, it also has the right to require that you attend alcohol-education classes and/or AA meetings, and even install an interlock device on your vehicle in order to have your license reinstated.
Nonetheless, just because you were arrested for DUI does not mean that you will be convicted of DUI. It is a misconception that Alameda DUI cases cannot be won. All too often, individuals charged with a Alameda DUI will simply plead guilty, when the better choice would have been to fight the charge because the evidence was weak and a skilled Alameda DUI attorney may have been able to get the charges dismissed.
Don't go it alone! Protect your rights! Contact the Alameda DUI Defense Law Firm today!
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